A Thanksgiving Song


Writing Wranglers and Warriors

I’m Abbie Johnson Taylor, and I wrote this post.

Here’s a little ditty I wrote and posted in 2015 that I’m re-blogging. Years ago when my grandmother was alive, I enjoyed walking to her house, even as an adult. Now, our town boasts a series of connected cement walkways that would have provided a scenic route from my house to hers if she were still alive.

The following is set to a familiar tune we associate with Thanksgiving. To hear me sing it while accompanying myself on piano, click below. Happy Thanksgiving!



Over the Bridge and Along the Creek

Over the bridge and along the creek to Grandma’s house I go.

My cane knows the way. I will not stray as through the leaves I go.

Over the bridge and along the creek, now Grandma’s house I spy.

Hurray for the turkey, stuffing, and yams and Grandma’s apple…

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Bad Men, Lawless, and BSP


Writing Wranglers and Warriors

 Posted by M. K. Waller

I turned on my Kindle today to find Laura Oles’ Daughters of Bad Men, had appeared in its library, overnight, as if by magic. That’s a perk of pre-ordering. Laura is one of my critique partners in Austin Mystery Writers, and Daughters of Bad Men is her first novel.

I’ve been in AMW for six or seven years–can’t remember exactly–but membership is one of the best things that’s happened since I began writing for publication.  Examining others’ work and hearing their comments on mine has made me a better writer. Members have become my friends. Together we’ve enjoyed workshops and lunches and weekend retreats.

And I’ve acquired a new virtue: I’m genuinely happy when other members get their work published.

My skin turns Shrek green, but I’m happy.

Offsetting today’s greenish tinge over Laura’s debut, I’m also happy to announce that AMW’s second…

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My Vision


propic11_1This post by L.Leander, Author of Fearless Fiction

I haven’t been blogging for quite awhile but plan to do so frequently now.  I am spending a glorious summer at our lake cottage, reading lots and plotting my third book in the Inzared series.  My problem is putting an elephant somewhere in the Civil War but I’m sure I’ll find a way.  How is your summer going?  We are having hot and humid weather and it’s a bit hard to handle, but it’ll cool off soon, I know.  Have had the grandkids out to the lake and had lots of fun.  It’ll be fall before we know it, so I am soaking up all the sunshine I can.  I broke my glasses in a fall recently, which is the reason for the title, but also my vision for Cecil is cloudy, so they both fit.  If any of you have ideas or research about an elephant in the Civil War, I’d love to know.  Have a very wonderful rest of the summer.  I hope you get to the circus!

There Are No Coincidences by Darrah J. Perez


Author Darrah J Perez shares with us her reasons for reading and writing positive books in her post on Writing Wranglers and Warriors today. It’s uplifting and eye-opening.

Writing Wranglers and Warriors

IMG_20151225_134442Recently I read a book by Rhonda Byrne called The Secret. In The Secret she explains the universe’s magic remedy called gratitude—Gratitude for all things whether good or bad.

During the course of my reading I began putting into action being grateful for everything, especially when things were not going as pleasantly planned and by golly, the negativity subsided and a shift happened.

I recognized blessings of new beginnings, unexpected checks in the mail, job promotions, and my family life being as well as ever. I learned in life there is no such thing as coincidence, but instead opportunities and lessons presented when we feel that, “this is a strange moment.” It is because the universe is talking to us. The universe is giving us those moments of opportunity. It is at those times we hesitate, asking ourselves, “What do I do?” It is best to never question destiny’s fate, instead go…

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Doc Susie’s Colorado Contemporaries


Writing Wranglers and Warriors

Post copyright by Doris McCraw/Angela Raines-author

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As the Pikes Peak Library District Symposium draws closer, I’ve spent more time looking at the larger picture of the women doctors who received their license to practice medicine around the same time as Susan, Doc Susie, Anderson, who started her practice in Cripple Creek, Colorado in 1897. She did not move to Fraser, Colorado until 1907 where she earned her ‘fame’.

While the list is fairly long, I thought I would share some additional names and their contributions to Colorado and medicine.

Dr. Josepha Williams and Dr. Madeline Marquette opened a private hospital and sanatorium in Denver in 1889. In 1892 they added a nursing school to the hospital – Sanatorium. Dr. Williams was the superintendent of the facility. On a side note Dr. Williams married Charles Winfred Douglas a musician and Episcopal priest in 1896.

Dr.Genevieve M Tucker wrote Mother, Baby and…

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Cherish the Small Things in Life by Cher’ley


Writing Wranglers and Warriors

This Blog  by Cher’ley Grogg

An eyelash, a blade of grass, Tinkerbelle, Jack, and an embryo all have something in common they are small but important. I lived in Texas for quite a while and in Texas the bigger the better. Everything is bigger in Texas, or so I’ve heard. I have come to realize that on this earth, the most fascinating things, are small.Eyelash

I haven’t seen the movie Jack the Giant Killer on the big screen, but I read the book to my children when they were little, and I’m sure it was read to me when I was a tiny young’un. Jack, the small lad, climbs the beanstalk, kills the giant and gets the goose that lays the golden egg, and he and his mother live happily ever after. From the advertisements, I don’t believe that’s exactly what happens in the movie. But in the book that’s what happens, they…

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Don’t Call Me Dear! (Unless we’re married)


This post by Author Neva Bodin is important to read, especially for those who are not yet elderly. On Writing Wranglers and Warriors.

Writing Wranglers and Warriors

105182105411111CDPby Neva Bodin

“Will this be okay, Dear?” The young man indicated a booth in my favorite restaurant for my out-of-town friend and me.

“Fine,” I gritted out through my teeth. I had liked him just a second before. He was around twenty, tall, fair skinned and dressed in business slacks and shirt. Before he was done seating us, he had called me “Dear” three times. That really got my goat.

DSCN2383 My grandkids’ baby goat. 

It appears the term “get your goat,” meaning making someone annoyed or angry, comes from probably unknown origins. It began appearing in writings in the early 1900’s.

One popular story originates from the practice of putting goats with race horses to keep them calm. If someone wanted to cause a race horse distress, they would steal the goat.

In the Bible, goats are mentioned as gifts, sacrifices, and as bad people in Matthew 25:33. However…

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I have a new post up on Writing Wranglers and Warriors today regarding the idiom ‘In a pickle.’ I think you’ll find it interesting to read about the history of how it started. Enjoy!

Writing Wranglers and Warriors


This post by L.Leander, Author of Fearless Fiction

What’s it like to be in a pickle? Is it a problem similar to Jonah’s after a huge gray whale swallowed him when he ran from God rather than do His bidding? Jonah lived in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights before he was spewed back onto dry land, very much alive and in good health, praising the Lord and ready to serve Him without question. During the time he was in the whale I’ll bet he was scared but it gave him time to think about why he was there in the first place.

Naw, can’t be that. For one, pickles are green. Wrong color. Secondly, pickles are too small to swallow a man – in fact that’s just plain silly.

We all have heard the term “in a pickle” and we know it means to…

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The Waiting Game.

The Waiting Game.

What are you waiting for? Author/photographer Sandra J. Brown’s post on today’s Writing Wranglers and Warriors gives you some insight into the waiting game. Very interesting!

Writing Wranglers and Warriors

Me3By S. J. Brown

At some time in our lives we all have to wait. We wait in line at the grocery store, or sit in the waiting room at the doctor’s office.  Farmers wait for just the right time to plant their crops, students wait for the end of the school day and all of us are now waiting for spring to truly arrive.

1 Flower

This time of year I am waiting for the days to pass, waiting for eggs to hatch, and baby animals to be born. Photographing baby animals is one of the hardest things about my job, besides paperwork of course.  Baby animals are soooo cute, but their mothers keep them close and are very protective.  I prefer not be clawed, pawed or pecked in the pursuit of an adorable image.

4 Goose

Once I am in the field I wait some more. I wait for the critters to…

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